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Why Your Mindset Matters When It Comes to Singing: Dissecting the Psychology of Performance

Updated: Jan 8, 2024

The voice is a very powerful, versatile and unique instrument. With mucosal membranes the

size of your pinky nail, it has the power to change the world. Despite this, our greatest

challenge as vocalists is the negative-bias perspective of our own mind.

In my years of experience, I have truly come to know the importance of the psychology of

singing, and how that directly impacts the progress and growth of any vocalist. There have

been countless times where students display feelings of guilt, shame or disappointment

within themselves when failures arise during their practice or within their lessons. A fixed

mindset coupled with a need to compare oneself, self-criticise and devalue their progress is

one of the most common observations leading to overwhelming and surrendering emotion.

It is by far one of the most heartbreaking moments to witness in so many aspiring and

professional singers. So, reminding students not to take their voice so personally seems to

bring a new approach to failure. This can be achieved by acknowledging that their feelings

are a demonstration of their passion and determination, and reminding them that their voice,

much like any muscle, requires persistence, time and training to master.

Our voice is the gateway to our soul and is directly impacted by our physical, mental and

emotional health. So, be kind to it, be kind to you. Failures are a part of the journey and are

an amazing opportunity to try again.

Tina Alcorace | Founder


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